年度報告 Mobile 2021


2021 : 年度報告




持續兩年多的世紀疫情,整個世界都被徹底改變。商業社會進入一個’宅經濟’ 模式。大部份公司已經實行在家工作,所有學校也在網上學習,教會主日崇拜也一樣透過互聯網將信息帶到會眾家裡。可以說完全傾覆過去多年的模式,但神的大能大力在每一個時代都要彰顯出來。根據統計,就是因為疫情的困局,網上參與主日崇拜的會眾比以前實體更加多,看到在這 ‘疫景’ 當中,世界更渴望主耶穌的福音,更需要聖靈所賜真正的平安。


The Chairman’s Voice

Grace is Always More Than Difficulties

That the epidemic lasted for more than two years has completely changed the whole world. The society has entered a 'home economy' mode. A lot of companies have implemented work from home, all schools are learning online and church Sunday services are brought to the homes of congregation through internet. It can be said that the pattern of the past years has been completely overturned, but the power of God would be manifested in every age. According to statistics, because of the predicament of the epidemic, in Sunday worship online services more people participated than in the past. We can see that in this 'epidemic situation', the world craves for the gospel of the Lord Jesus, and the true peace given by the Holy Spirit.

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持續兩年多的世紀疫情,整個世界都被徹底改變。商業社會進入一個’宅經濟’ 模式。大部份公司已經實行在家工作,所有學校也在網上學習,教會主日崇拜也一樣透過互聯網將信息帶到會眾家裡。可以說完全傾覆過去多年的模式,但神的大能大力在每一個時代都要彰顯出來。根據統計,就是因為疫情的困局,網上參與主日崇拜的會眾比以前實體更加多,看到在這 ‘疫景’ 當中,世界更渴望主耶穌的福音,更需要聖靈所賜真正的平安。


美國分處 事工報告


美國分處 事工報告


  • 電視及電台廣播是我們一直以來的主力傳播平台,美國恩雨繼續每週7天,在7個電視台和衛星頻道及電台,提供22個廣播時段,將見證傳播到美國不同地區。21年一月更加添了[天下衛視]在三藩市灣區及羅省的週末時段。
  • 社交傳媒 Social Media – 由2020年開始,美國恩雨已經積極發展社交傳播平台,21年更擴大了這個團隊,增加了兩位這方面的同工,發展取得很好的成果。[美國恩雨]Youtube台訂閱人數已經超過1400多個,每星期推出的新製作短片都有數百個點擊,加上Facebook今年推出的幾集都接觸不少人數,例如[Jaeson Ma 馬正遠]就已經有57,460個接觸點和12,400觀看次,這些數據都給我們很大的鼓勵。
  • [美國恩雨]在今年擴大了拍攝製作團隊,拍攝製作更多本地福音片集,在過去幾個月內拍攝製作了30多集不同題材的訪問及故事短片,在Youtube及Facebook等社交平台播放,包括有:Intersections系列、MV+分享系列、戒毒見證系列、[非凡人生]系列等等。
  • 2021年尾剛剛推出”AsIam”網站,一個全英語的嶄新設計網站 asiammedia.org。在這裡可以觀看所有[恩雨]的全英語視頻,專注適合對年青一代傳福音及委身挑戰,求神大大使用這個新發展方向。
23rd 週年
  • [美國恩雨] 2021年異象分享籌款會是舉辦在一個特別時刻,因為疫情不穩定的緣故,所以在10月17日舉辦了一個小型實體聚會+網上參加,節目主場由影帝艾迪分享個人見證,他真情的分享到過去經歷不少的風浪,但遇見神當中,感謝神的恩典,保守他轉向神祈禱從而生命改變。當晚捐獻也收到良好的參與及回應。
  • 以往製作60多集適合中國廣播的[天下華人]見證故事,仍然能夠安排在騰訊、新浪、微博、西瓜視頻等不同的中國網站上線,請大家為這個福音機會的門祈禱。而21年我們投資將其中幾集見證重新改製,成為向世界各地播放的“福音”版。
  • 今年各方面的事工擴展,都需要很多不同的人力及金錢的資源來配合,雖然受到經濟影響底下,但是見證到神豐富的供應,今年整年的開支是53萬元。奉獻收入有64萬,印證了神的心意,是要我們憑著信心,繼續努力向前擴展神國度的福音傳媒事工。

Report from USA Branch

    We want to thank God for His continual guidance through the last 23 years since the establishment of Showers of Blessing in the United States.   As we look back the year 2021, these were turbulent times.  The COVID-19 pandemic has lasted for almost two years, and the entire world is facing many areas of challenges.  These has led us to intensify the urgency to spread the Gospel during the end time. All the while, the SOBEM US staff and leadership team continue to work faithfully to fulfill our mission in Gospel media.  Our production team continues to go out to film, and produces the real-life stories to testify the saving grace of God.  We pray that more people will receive this heavenly blessing, and bring peace to this restless generation.

Gospel media platforms

  • TV and radio broadcasting: TV and radio broadcasting have always been our main media platform. Many non-believers enjoy watching these real-life testimonies. SOBEM USA continues to air 7 days a week across 7 TV stations, satellite channels, radio stations, and over 22 broadcast time slots. These real-life testimonies have touched people’s hearts throughout every corner of the United States. In January 2021, we added the SKYLINK TV channel to broadcast on weekend slots in the San Francisco and Los Angeles area. 
  • Social Media: Since year 2020, SOBEM USA has started in developing its social media platforms to better connect with our audiences across a wide variety of regions and age groups. SOBEM USA expanded the team this year, and the effort yielded good results. Our YouTube channel has accumulated over 1,400 subscribers, and our newly produced short films released every week have received hundreds of hits. In addition, several videos launched on Facebook this year have reached large viewership, such as the video featuring Jaeson Ma, which has already reached 57,400 people with 12,400 views. 

Production development

  • SOBEM US is expanding its team of filming and production resource this year to film and produce more videos of local life stories.  The team has produced more than 30 episodes of interviews and featured films with different playlists. Audiences can watch these videos on social media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook under playlists like: Intersections, MV Sharing Series, Drug Rehabilitation Testimony, Extraordinary Life, etc.

Expanding to the younger generation of English speakers

  • We are pleased to announce the launch of “As I am”, the English branch and extension of SOBEM USA. With the launch, “As I am” has a brand-new website – asiammedia.org, where audiences can watch all the English-language videos of SOBEM USA as well as new social media platforms on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  The goal is to focus on bringing the Gospel and challenge to the younger generation to explore the intersecting identities of being Christian and Asian American. Please pray that God will guide us in starting this ministry and make great use of this new development direction.

SOBEM USA 23rd Anniversary

  • This year’s Vision Sharing and Fundraising Event was particularly special due to the instability of the pandemic. We decided to hold a small in-person gathering, and simultaneously online virtual meeting on October 17th.  The event’s featured speaker was actor Eddie Chen, who shared his life journey in meeting God.  Although he encountered many highs and lows including some of his failures, by God’s grace he was able to go through many challenging times to become stronger with God.    We also received good participation and response throughout the event. 

“Oversea Chinese” episodes

  • In the past, we have produced more than 60 episodes of Oversea Chinese testimonial stories suitable for broadcast in China. Although we have encountered some obstacles, we can still share these testimonies on several Chinese websites such as Tencent, Sina, Weibo, and Xigua. Please pray for the door of gospel opportunity. Additionally, we invested this year in re-making several of these Oversea Chinese episodes into “gospel” version suitable for broadcasting around the world, so that these testimonies can be spread more widely.

Financial and Resources

  • the various expansion of ministry development this year requires more staff and financial resources to accomplish.  Even though under the impact of COVID pandemic on the economy, we witnessed the abundant provision from God.  This entire year’s expenditure is $530 thousand, we received donation income of $640 thousand.  We appreciate our supporters to believe in our investment and development in the Gospel media ministry.  We also believe God’s rich provision shows His heart for us to move forward with faith to expand His Kingdom. 

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